OK, it’s official: as of today, 1 January 2017 (gotta get used to writing/typing that!), Cogito Orbis Press is accepting submissions.
We’re looking for new talent — or old talent, we don’t discriminate on the basis of age — who are looking for a fresh, enthusiastic indy publisher. We are looking for authors who are interested in playing in our “Blade Files” sandbox, or who want to build their own sandboxes next to ours. If you have an idea for a book — or even a completed manuscript — that you want to have us consider for publication through Cogito Orbis Press, gin up an email that contains the following:
Your name and contact information — an email address is all we need to start with for the latter.
The proposed title of your work, its estimated word count — or its actual word count, if it’s already complete — a short (500 words or less) synopsis of the work, and last but not least, a few lines telling us WHY you think your work should be published.
Send it to: hmfic@cogitoorbis.press and be sure to put “Submission Inquiry” in your subject line.
You can expect a response within 72 hours informing you of whether or not we want to pursue your idea any further, i.e. start talking about publication. We will be forthright and open about why we do or do not choose to proceed with your project. Remember this: we firmly believe that every book idea deserves a chance, but that is not the same as saying that every book idea deserves to be published. We want to be able to add to the number of good books out there — we have no desire to add to the accumulation of crap.