OK, I’ll admit it, this will be Cogito Orbis first official presence at DragonCon, although Scott and his longsuffering wife, Wendi, have been going there for ten years. Because it’s out first outing in an official capacity, we have next to no idea exactly what we’re going to be doing while we’re there, but then, isn’t that basically what happens at DragonCon anyway?
Obviously, we plan to do our share of shameless self-promotion, sell as many copies of as many of our books as possible, hang out at Barfly Central whenever its feasible (and probably when it isn’t), and engage in a non-stop round of schmoozing with fans, cosplayers, innocent (and not-so-innocent) bystanders, and do our best to avoid drawing the attention of any law enforcement or alphabet agencies in the process. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
Meanwhile, as the dates get closer (this year it will be, as it always has been, held on Labor Day weekend) and we begin firming-up our plans and scheduling, we’ll publish that information here. In the meantime, get your tickets, make your air and hotel reservations, and plan on meeting us in beautiful downtown Burbank — I mean, Atlanta — this coming Labor Day weekend for the 2017 iteration of DragonCon….